Birthday Menu Champagne Alcohol template (card 2808)

Birthday's menu templates to customize, template

 Personalize a card


Greetings-Discount offers you to customize your Birthday's menu templates.
Download files ready to print.

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Dimensions of your Birthday's menu templates :
11 x 8.5 in
11 x 8.5 pouces.

Files provided :

eco plus


a PDF file
100 DPI200 DPI300 DPI
a JPEG image
1100 x 850 px2200 x 1700 px3300 x 2550 px
Price1 credit
0.5$ (*)
2 credits
1$ (*)
3 credits
1.5$ (*)
(*) : price with a pack of 60 credits. Pricing plan

Booklet format :
Your Birthday's menu templates 1 page on both sides. You will have to fold the document in half to get a booklet. When printing, you have to flip your page to print the back, once the front is printed. You can also print the back on a separate page and stick it on the front. For better rendering, print your card on thicker paper (120g, 200g,...)

Keywords :
birthday menu champagne alcohol

In the same collection

0.5$ only
birthday menu champagne
Birthday's menu

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